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Microneedling For Acne Scars: A Game-Changer For Skin Recovery?

by Melinda Hawkins

If you're like most people, you're probably at least somewhat familiar with microneedling as a treatment method for several skin concerns, including aging and uneven skin tone. However, you may not be aware that the procedure, which uses small needles to puncture the top layer of your skin, creating micro-injuries that trigger your skin's natural healing process, has shown potential with it comes to minimizing the appearance of acne scars. Here's what you need to know:

Microneedling and Acne Scars

Acne scars form when inflammation causes changes in your skin cells and collagen. Your body responds to inflammation by either producing too little or too much collagen. Too little collagen leads to depressed acne scars, while too much results in raised scars.

By introducing controlled skin injuries, microneedling provokes your body's wound-healing response without the presence of actual skin inflammation. This response includes producing more collagen, which can improve the texture and appearance of acne scars by filling in depressions or softening raised scars. Over time and with repeated treatments, you might see a noticeable reduction in your acne scarring.

Your Microneedling Journey

Before embarking on your microneedling journey, schedule a consultation with a certified dermatologist or aesthetician. They will examine your skin and health history to determine if microneedling is an appropriate treatment for your acne scars. They'll also guide you on how to prepare your skin for the procedure and what to do post-treatment to maximize the results.

The Microneedling Process

During a microneedling session, your skincare professional will use a handheld device equipped with tiny needles. They will run the device across your skin, making tiny punctures. It might sound daunting, but your skin will be numbed with a topical cream beforehand to minimize discomfort.

Post-Treatment Care and Results

Following your microneedling treatment, your skin may appear red and feel a bit sensitive, similar to a mild sunburn. Your skincare professional will provide aftercare instructions, which generally include staying hydrated, avoiding sun exposure, and using gentle skincare products.

The results won't be immediate. Your skin will need time to generate new collagen and heal, but you'll typically see changes in the weeks following your session. Remember, everyone's skin responds differently, so the extent and rate of improvement may vary.

As with any skincare procedure, it's essential to have realistic expectations, understand that multiple sessions may be necessary, and always consult with a professional before starting a new treatment regimen.

For more info about microneedling, contact a local company. 
