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5 Symptoms You May Have With Gynecomastia - And How Treatment Can Help

by Melinda Hawkins

Large breasts can cause a number of problems for women, but women aren't the only ones who can suffer from this condition. Men can also experience a condition known as gynecomastia, which is characterized by enlarged breast tissue in males. Below you will find five of the most common symptoms that may be associated with gynecomastia and how treatment can help.

1) Uneven Breast Size

Gynecomastia can cause one breast to be larger than the other. This is due to excess breast tissue forming on one side, resulting in an asymmetrical appearance. When your breast tissue is uneven, you may find that clothes do not fit correctly. Treatment options such as gynecomastia removal surgery or liposuction can help address this issue by using shrinking and reshaping methods.

2) Painful Breast Tissue

Painful breast tissue is another common symptom of gynecomastia. This pain can range from mild discomfort to significant tenderness. Treatment such as hormone therapy and medications can help reduce the pain associated with this condition as well as reduce the overall size of the breasts themselves.

3) Swelling Around The Nipples

If you are experiencing swelling around the nipples, this could be a sign of gynecomastia. This type of swelling is usually caused by excess hormones that stimulate the growth of breast tissue in men. While medications and hormone therapy may help to reduce this swelling, more severe cases might require surgery to remove the extra tissue.

Please keep in mind that, while rare, swelling around the nipples may also be a sign of breast cancer. It's wise to follow up with your primary care physician as well as your gynecomastia treatment provider if you notice changes in your breasts such as nipple pain, discharge, or swelling.

4) Skin Irritation

This symptom is possible in men who have severe cases of gynecomastia. Skin irritation and rashes can occur due to the tightness of the skin around the chest area caused by enlarged breast tissue. Treatment options include ways to reduce the size of your breasts, such as hormone therapy or surgery. Over time, these treatments may help alleviate any discomfort associated with your condition.

5) Breast Lumps

As with nipple swelling or discharge, breast lumps can be a potential sign of breast cancer. However, in the case of gynecomastia, lumps can be caused by extra breast tissue. If you are experiencing this symptom, it is important to seek medical attention right away so that any underlying causes can be identified and treated. Gynecomastia treatment can help you feel like yourself again.
