Updating Your Appearance

How To Keep Your Men's Haircut Looking Fresh

by Melinda Hawkins

The shorter the haircut you want to maintain, the more you may have to put into it to keep it looking great. Your men's haircut can be kept fresh and stylish if you do the following things. Speak to your barber about ways you can keep your style great between haircuts when you schedule your barbershop appointment.

Visit the barbershop more often

If you want to keep your men's haircut looking great, then get your haircut done more often. You should be going in every few weeks to keep your neck and face clean and smooth and to re-shape those lines in your haircut for a shortcut. If you have a no-hair style, a haircut near-daily is necessary. Your barber will tell you how often you should come in to have your men's haircut tended to keep it looking great.

Style your hair daily

If you style your men's haircut regularly, you keep it looking better than if you let your hair lie naturally with no additional support or hold. Choose a styling product that goes best with the type of hair texture you have to bring out the charm of your haircut most. If you have dry or brittle hair that frizzes easily, use a strong-hold gel. Curly hair benefits from a styling cream or oil. Your barber will show you any products they carry in their shop when you schedule a barbershop appointment.

Have a professional cut

It's tempting to invest in a pair of clippers and cut your own hair, but this isn't recommended. Your men's haircut should be taken care of at your local barbershop so you can get the most out of your experience and really get a great fade or clean line. If you have other hair you want to address, such as facial and neck hair, your men's hair trim can include this as well for the best clean and professional cut.

Your men's haircut can come with a quick shave behind the ears, clipping inside your ears, minor eyebrow trimming, and other facial hair attention. Your men's haircut is made complete by trimming the longish pieces around your face and on top of your head while making a charming and attractive fade that works best for what you're going for. Whether you just need a periodic cut or you want to have a new clean fade to impress for a major event, keeping on top of your men's haircut helps you stay fresh.
