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Interested In Eyebrow Tattooing? 4 Reasons To Try Microblading

by Melinda Hawkins

If you have naturally sparse eyebrows or have overplucked in the past, you may be looking for ways to fill in your brows. Eyebrow tattooing can be a great way to restore your eyebrows without having to rely on makeup every day. There are different types of eyebrow tattooing services that you can look into; microblading is one type of tattooing option that has a lot of benefits. Here are 4 reasons to give it a try.

They Provide a Better Brow Shape

With standard eyebrow tattooing, a machine is used to create the shape of the brow. However, some people may not like this option because it can look unnatural. With microblading, each pigment is added by hand using a blade that creates fine slivers in the skin. Once these slivers are created, then a semi-permanent pigment is placed into the skin. Because of this fine detail work, microbladed brows tend to look more natural than makeup-applied brows or other tattoo options.

The Pigments Hold Color Better

The problem with permanent tattoo inks is that they can become discolored over time and fade into artificial blue-green hues. With microblading, the pigments can avoid discoloration altogether. When micro-bladed brows fade, they still maintain a natural brow color.  

They Are a Great Compromise Between Makeup and Permanent Options

People like to get permanent tattoos because they get sick of applying makeup every day. The problem with permanent tattooing is that once your brows are shaped, you cannot really make any adjustments. You may want to try different colored brows or different shapes depending on your haircut or the current trends. With microblading, you can get a semi-permanent tattoo that can last about a year or two with good care. This means that you still get the benefit of not having to apply makeup every day, but if you are unhappy with your brow shape, you can still get the pigments adjusted. If you want a fuller or a thinner brow later down the road, then again, you have the option of reshaping the brow with another microblading session.

The Application Is More Comfortable

With other tattooing options, you may feel discomfort as ink is deposited more deeply into your skin. With microblading, the tattoo pigments are only placed in the upper layers of the skin, so the procedure can be more comfortable. There is usually numbing cream for microblading and fewer needles are involved during application.

These are just a few reasons why microblading is an amazing tattooing option for your brows. Reach out to a salon or spa in your area like JR's Full Throttle Salon to learn more. 
