Updating Your Appearance

Six Things To Know When It Comes To Scheduling Your Injection Treatments

by Melinda Hawkins

One of the most important things you need to do to maximize the success of cosmetic botulinum toxin, or botox, injection treatments is schedule your appointments appropriately. The following are six things to know when it comes to scheduling your treatments. 

You need to schedule routine appointments for treatment to be effective over the long term.

Having botox injections can significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles. However, it's important for patients to understand that the effects are temporary. Over time, the effects will fade.

That's why it's important for patients to schedule routine appointments to enjoy results over the long term. Patients need to schedule their appointments at intervals that allow them to enjoy prolonged skin improvements and reduction in the appearance of wrinkles. 

It's recommended to schedule appointments about once every three months.

Patients should discuss appointment frequency with their plastic surgeon. Results should generally last for at least three months after an appointment. For this reason, plastic surgeons will often recommend appointments around once every three months. 

You're not supposed to lie down right after an appointment.

Patients are discouraged from lying down and falling asleep immediately after an appointment. Sleeping after an appointment could make it so that pressure on the face causes the botulinum toxin to move to different areas.

Patients should therefore avoid scheduling appointments for times when they will be tired and wanting to rest immediately afterwards.  

You're not supposed to be in the sun right before or after an appointment.

Sun exposure can cause blood vessels in the skin to dilate. This can often compromise the results of injection treatments. It's therefore important to schedule an appointment for a time when you won't need to be out in the sun too soon afterward. 

You shouldn't consume alcohol before or after an appointment.

Another thing that patients aren't supposed to do before or after an appointment is consume alcohol. Patients should wait at least a day or so after a treatment before they start drinking alcoholic beverages again.

This means that patients shouldn't schedule an appointment right after or before an event at which they'll want to drink alcohol. 

You should schedule an appointment at least two weeks before a special event.

Patients often want to schedule injections to prepare for a special event such as a wedding or vacation. These patients may wonder how soon before the event they should schedule their appointment.

It typically takes about 14 days for the full effects of a treatment to appear. This means that patients should schedule an appointment for about two weeks before a special event. 

For more information about botox injections, contact a botox specialist today.
