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How To Take Better Care Of Your Eyelash Extensions

by Melinda Hawkins

Having your eyes naturally pop and look like you just had a makeover isn't something that people naturally have. If you want to wake up looking like you are wearing eye makeup then you may want to consider getting eyelash extensions. Eyelash extensions are the perfect way for you to get longer, thicker, fuller eyelashes without having to wear any eye makeup at all. By gluing on either individual eyelashes or clusters of eyelashes, your eyelash extension artist can give you movie star worthy lashes in no time. In between having them filled every couple of weeks, there are a few things that you can do to take better care of them. 

Don't Rub Them

If you are the type of person who is constantly touching your eyes or rubbing your eyes, then this suggestion is going to be really hard for you, but it's essential. Rubbing your eyes and near your eyelashes is only going to cause them to become loose, which will make them fall out a lot faster. If you wear eye makeup in addition to lash extensions, then gently rub the makeup off with a gentle cleanser and cotton pad. 

Don't Wear Mascara

Some people think that when it comes to eyelashes that more is more, but that's not the case. When you have eyelash extensions done, you shouldn't have to wear anything else with them. Rather than caking on another layer of mascara, leave the mascara in the garbage and just embrace your eyelash extensions. The extra weight of mascara along with the pressure you add to them when you're applying it, will weaken them and cause them to break off. 

Try to Avoid Sleeping On Your Stomach

Sleeping on your stomach is a no-no when you have eyelash extensions. The extra pressure that you are putting on your face and eyes will cause your eyelashes to become loose a lot easier. Try to get into the habit of either sleeping on your side and back because this will take all of the pressure off of your face and eyes. Another thing you can do is invest in a soft pillowcase like a satin one which will be easier on your skin and your eyelashes. 

If this is your first-time getting eyelash extensions, make sure that you find someone who has a lot of training and experience doing them. To learn more, reach out to some salons near you today. 
