Updating Your Appearance

3 Ways To Improve The Look Of Wrinkles On Your Chest

by Melinda Hawkins

When it comes to fighting wrinkles, it's easy to focus your efforts on your face and overlook the rest of the body. However, the area of your chest exposed by your clothing's neckline is often one of the areas to most show your age.

Since it's not always visible, depending on your outfit, you may forget to regularly use sunscreen and skincare products on this region. Chest skin is fragile, and it doesn't produce a lot of natural oil; all these factors make it very susceptible to sun damage.

Even if your chest is already showing fine lines and wrinkles, it's never too late to get a solid skincare routine in place. Check out a few ways you can improve the appearance of wrinkles on your chest.

1. Start Wearing Sunscreen Every Single Day

Though sunscreen won't reverse existing sun damage, it will prevent new sun damage from occurring. You need to apply a sunscreen with at least an SPF of 15 every single day, regardless of the weather or temperature.

If you wear makeup on your chest region, don't rely on it for SPF protection. Foundation typically isn't used in large enough quantities to provide consistent, reliable protection from the sun's UV radiation. 

2. Apply an Anti-Aging Cream Every Night

Once sunscreen is part of your daily routine, it's time to make applying an anti-aging screen to your chest region a consistent part of your nighttime routine. Look for a product labeled for use around the chest region; these products tend to have higher amounts of moisture than products for the face, since the chest region is prone to moisture loss.

Products meant for the chest skin are usually thicker and heavier than their facial counterparts. Ideally, your chest cream should have a cocktail of anti-aging ingredients, such as:

  • Retinol
  • Vitamin C
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Peptides
  • Antioxidants

3. Invest in Ultherapy Sessions

You'll find numerous procedures can help you reduce the look of your chest's wrinkles, but Ultherapy has the distinction of being noninvasive. Your Ultherapy technician uses focused ultrasound waves to stimulate the production of collagen in the targeted areas.

There's no downtime after an appointment, and the results are gradual, providing a natural-looking restoration of your chest's skin. After a session, it can take up to six months for the appearance of the treated area to improve, though many patients notice results after a couple of months. 

Ultherapy is approved by the FDA to lift and smooth skin. The number of sessions that you'll need depends on the current appearance of your skin and its elasticity. To learn more about this solution, consult with a local company such as Lotus Health And Aesthetics Spa.
