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3 Reasons To Get A Massage After Running In A Marathon

by Melinda Hawkins

Running in a marathon is a major feat. Afterward, you might be thinking about things like treating yourself to your favorite meal or going back to training for your next event, but you might not be thinking about something like getting a massage. However, getting a massage after running in a marathon can be a wonderful thing. These are a few reasons why getting a massage treatment is a good idea.

1. Treat Yourself to Celebrate Your Achievement

First of all, you should know that completing a marathon is something that you should be really proud of. You have probably worked hard to train for the event, and you might have put your everything into completing it. Therefore, you deserve to treat yourself. A massage can be very relaxing and pampering, so it's definitely the perfect way to treat yourself after completing such an impressive achievement.

2. Get Rid of Soreness

Even if you trained well before your marathon and even if you stretched well before and after, you might still be experiencing more than a little bit of soreness. If you would like to get rid of some of this soreness and discomfort, you shouldn't just reach for over-the-counter pain relievers. Instead, consider booking an appointment for a massage. As your massage therapist massages your overworked muscles, it can help some of the swelling go down and can provide you with some serious relief.

3. Encourage Healing

Even if you are in great shape, you should know that your muscles might have tears and other damage now that you have completed your marathon. If you would like to be able to get back to training as soon as possible, then getting a massage can be a good idea. As your massage therapist works on rubbing your sore, overworked muscles, this can encourage them to begin healing on their own. This means that you might be ready to start training again sooner than you think. Just make sure that you get cleared by your doctor first if you are concerned that your muscles haven't healed all the way.

As you can see, if you have recently participated in a marathon or some other similar event, now is the time to consider getting a massage. If you are in the process of planning to participate in a marathon, then it might be a good idea to go ahead and schedule a massage afterward. Once you do, you are sure to be glad that you did.
