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Learn How To Properly Prepare For Your First Massage

by Melinda Hawkins

When you are feeling stressed and want to be able to relax without having to take any medications to do so, consider going to get a massage. A massage can be a great way to give your body, mind, and spirit a break from the craziness of life. Before going to your massage, use the following guide to learn how to prepare for your first massage.

Take a Shower Before Going to Your Massage

It is important to take a shower before you go to get a massage so that you can feel as fresh as you possibly can. The masseuse will get close to you at many points during the massage and if you have not showered before coming to the massage, this may make you feel self-conscious, which will take away from your ability to truly relax during the massage.

Eat Foods You Know Agree with Your Stomach

Before you go to get a massage, it is a good idea to eat something that you know your body handles well. It is not a good idea to try a new food before you go to get a massage because you do not know if it will agree with your stomach or not. You will not be able to relax when you are getting the massage if your stomach is cramping the entire time.

Determine How Much Time You Have Available for the Massage

Before you go to get the massage, you need to consider how much time you can take out of your day to get it. There are some massages that only last thirty minutes, while others can last a few hours. If you are simply running to get a massage on your lunch break, you need to let the masseuse know before you go in for the appointment so that they focus on the areas where you have the most tension, so you can get as much out of the massage as you possibly can.

When you are getting the massage, you need to be honest with the masseuse about the way the massage feels. They can adjust the amount of pressure that they put on your muscles to give you a massage that feels right for you. Some people need more pressure and some people need less pressure. The masseuse will be trained to adjust the amount of pressure they apply to your muscles based on what you tell them feels good to you. Contact a spa, like Silver Star Spa , for more help.
